
Shaanxi Chang Da Text話可ile Limited Company

來(lái)源: | 作(zuò)者:changda001 | 發布時間(jiān): 2019-07-02 | 2237 次浏覽 | 分享到:

On July 1th, 2019, leaders of the disa關亮bled people's federa電能tion of mei county, baoji 在南city, shaanxi province visited our fa輛月ctory to conduct research, M影笑r.Zhao--vice President of Ch文公ang Da textile personally rece木在ived.

領導們(men)在趙副總的陪同下,參觀了廠房各個車間(jiān信藍)的生産情況,并就殘疾人勞動(dòng)力的分配問明為題,做了進一步商讨和研究。The leaders, accompanie湖拿d by Mr.Zhao, visited th行這e production situation of又好 each workshop of the factor河頻y and made further discuss樹影ion and research on th地店e distribution of disabled廠請 labor force.

長達紡織自建廠以來(lái),在努力抓好(hǎo)紗線,坯老一布生産質量的同時,密切關注各類社會公益活動(dòng), 尤其在如去殘疾人民生問題方面,一直高度關注,解決了當地上人(dì)部分殘疾人的就業問題。Since the establ不員ishment of the factory, 關商while striving to improve 答生the quality of yarn and grey fabrics員家 production, the company has paid cl志又ose attention to variou喝生s Public welfare activities , 跳河especially in the livelihood of the dis林對abled, and solved the employme煙大nt problem of some dis理街abled people in the local area.

長達紡織會繼續努力,為解決殘疾人民生問題貢獻自己的力量。Chang Da 時做Textile association wil內西l continue its effort視還s to make its contribution to s場廠olving the livelihood 數姐problems of the disabled in the fu路制ture.